Understanding your skin

Ingrown Hairs

We believe knowledge is power when it comes to caring for your skin. 

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IPL Hair Reduction Consultation 20 minutes FREE Book Now
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Ingrown hairs can be painful and uncomfortable but thankfully they can be easily and effectively dealt with. While we’ve seen our share of ingrown hairs, everyone is different and this information should be regarded as a general guide for overall skin health. There is no substitute for coming in and talking to us in-person. For a tailored treatment plan and specific advice, come and see us for a complete skin profile where we will talk about your concenrs and how we help you get rid of those irritating ingrown hairs.

What causes ingrown hairs?

Ingrown hairs occur when hair curls back or grows sideways into the skin instead of emerging from the follicle. Several factors contribute to this frustrating condition, with one significant cause being the buildup of dead skin cells that can trap hair follicles beneath the skin’s surface.

When dead skin cells accumulate on the skin, especially after waxing or shaving, they can form a barrier that prevents hairs from growing out naturally. As new hairs attempt to push through this barrier, they may become trapped or redirected, leading to ingrown hairs.

Clothing choices can also play a significant role in the development of ingrown hairs. Tight-fitting clothing, such as snug underwear or restrictive clothing made from synthetic materials, can create friction and pressure against the skin. This friction can irritate hair follicles, causing them to bend or become trapped beneath the skin’s surface as they regrow. Therefore, opting for loose-fitting, breathable clothing can help minimise the risk of ingrown hairs by reducing friction and allowing hair to grow freely.

How can I treat ingrown hairs?

When dealing with ingrown hairs, the first step is seeking professional guidance from a qualified Skin Therapist. They will conduct a comprehensive skin analysis to assess your specific condition and tailor a treatment plan to address your concerns effectively.

At-home care for ingrown hairs typically involves regular exfoliation and the use of topical creams designed to help draw out trapped hairs. Exfoliating the skin helps remove dead skin cells that may be blocking the hair follicles, allowing the ingrown hairs to surface more easily. Additionally, using creams or serums containing ingredients like salicylic acid or glycolic acid can help exfoliate the skin further and reduce inflammation, making it easier for the hair to break through the skin’s surface.

However, for a more effective and long-term solution, professional treatments such as Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology can provide significant relief from ingrown hairs. IPL is a non-invasive procedure that uses targeted light energy to destroy the hair follicles, reducing future hair growth in the treated area. By targeting the root cause of ingrown hairs—the hair follicle itself—IPL treatments offer a permanent reduction in hair growth, meaning ingrown hairs will be dramatically minimised.

In summary, while at-home care such as exfoliation and topical treatments can provide relief from ingrown hairs, professional interventions like IPL therapy offer a more effective, long-term solution. By combining both approaches, individuals can effectively manage ingrown hairs and enjoy smoother, healthier skin in the long run.

Ingrown hairs & waxing

Many individuals shy away from waxing due to the fear of ingrown hairs. Fortunately, there are simple steps you can take at home to minimise this risk and ensure smooth, healthy skin. By understanding how waxing impacts hair growth and implementing proactive skincare practices, you can enjoy the benefits of waxing without the worry of ingrown hairs.

After waxing, in particular, exfoliation becomes even more crucial. When you wax, you’re not just removing hair; you’re uprooting it entirely, forcing it to grow back through the skin from scratch. This process can sometimes lead to hairs getting trapped beneath the surface as they regrow, especially in areas prone to ingrown hairs. To prevent this, it’s vital to follow up waxing with gentle exfoliation using an exfoliating mitt. By clearing away any dead skin cells that might obstruct the hair’s path as it grows back through, you can significantly reduce the risk of ingrown hairs. Additionally, using an antibacterial wash after waxing can help prevent infections and inflammation, further minimising the chances of ingrown hairs developing. By understanding how waxing affects the hair growth process and taking proactive steps to exfoliate and cleanse the skin afterwards, you can effectively minimise the occurrence of ingrown hairs and maintain smoother, healthier skin overall.

What You Can Do

Do not aggravate the area with tight clothing. Avoid excessive sweating 24 hours after shaving or waxing

Use the recommended post hair removal products to slow down and encourage finer hair growth

Exfoliate the area with an exfoliation mitt 2-3 days after your hair removal treatment, and cleanse with an antibacterial wash

If ingrown hairs appear, use an appropriate skin clearing lotion daily until the condition clears

Do not touch or squeeze your ingrown hairs to avoid spreading bacteria and further aggravating the area

What We Can Do

Our professional Skin Therapists will be able to recommend the best treatment solution for your skin needs whether it be a long-term solution such as IPL Permanent Hair Reduction or an at home treatment plan like below.

Our three step treatment plan

CLEANSE: Thoroughly cleanse the area with an antibacterial tea tree wash to clean out any bacteria from your pores and thus reduce the risk of further infection.

EXFOLIATE: Exfoliation is vital to ensure that the dead skin cells are removed and the hairs therefore aren’t trapped under your skin. We recommend a Professional Grade Body Exfoliation Cloth

HYDRATE: Finally, moisturise with The Daily Remedy to soothe, hydrate and reduce inflammation.