Understanding your hair

Hair Loss & hair thinning

We believe knowledge is power when it comes to caring for your hair. 

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Consultation 20 minutes Complimentary Book Now
PRP Vampire Facial | Treat areas including face, neck, decolletage, hands or hair 40 minutes from $399 Book Now
Skin Needling | Scalp & Hair Rejuvenation 40 minutes from $199 Book Now

Most people have about 100,000 hairs on their heads and lose around 100 to 125 hairs per day. This amount of hair loss is considered normal hair turnover. However, significant hair loss and thinning is a concern affecting many people.


Pattern hair loss

Pattern hair loss, scientifically known as Androgenetic Alopecia but often referred to as balding or hair thinning, is a common form of hair loss that affects millions of people worldwide. It’s characterised by a distinct pattern of hair thinning or loss, typically seen starting at the temples, crown or central part. This type of hair loss is not usually associated with any underlying medical condition but is primarily driven by genetic and hormonal factors.

It occurs when hair follicles become sensitive to a hormone called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This hormone disrupts the normal growth cycle of hair by inhibiting growth-stimulating pathways in the follicles. Consequently, the hair undergoes a process known as miniaturization, where thick, pigmented terminal hairs gradually transition into thin, non-pigmented vellus hairs. This transformation leads to the characteristic pattern of hair loss seen in Androgenetic Alopecia.



  • Post pregnancy
  • Stress
  • Side effects of medication
  • Weight loss
  • Post major surgery
  • Hereditary
  • Thyroid conditions
  • Iron deficiency
  • Polycystic ovaries
  • Excessive styling



Studies have shown the beneficial role of Skin Needling and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) to help assist with hair regrowth as a results of Androgenetic Alopecia.


Skin Needling

Skin needling, also known as micro-needling, is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that involves the use of a device equipped with fine needles to create tiny punctures or channels in the skin’s surface. While initially developed to address various skin concerns such as wrinkles, scars, and uneven texture, skin needling has also shown promise in the treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia, a form of hair loss primarily driven by genetic and hormonal factors.

The mechanism of action behind skin needling in reversing Androgenetic Alopecia lies in its ability to activate the body’s natural wound-healing response. When the tiny needles penetrate the skin, they create controlled micro-injuries, prompting the body to initiate a cascade of biological processes to repair the damage. This response includes the release of various growth factors and cytokines, which play crucial roles in tissue repair and regeneration.

In the context of Androgenetic Alopecia, the needling action serves to re-activate dormant pathways within the hair follicles. These pathways, responsible for hair growth, may become suppressed or impaired in individuals experiencing hair loss due to factors such as hormonal imbalances and genetic predisposition. By stimulating these pathways, skin needling helps kickstart the hair growth cycle, leading to the production of thicker, terminal hairs.

Furthermore, skin needling has been shown to stimulate stem cells located within the hair follicle bulge area. These stem cells are vital for replenishing and maintaining the hair follicle population, ensuring its continued function and viability. By activating these stem cells, skin needling contributes to the overall strengthening of the hair follicle, providing a supportive environment for the growth of healthy, robust hair strands.

In essence, the combination of needling-induced activation of pathways, release of growth factors, and stimulation of stem cells work synergistically to combat Androgenetic Alopecia. Through this process, skin needling offers a non-invasive and potentially effective approach to promoting hair regrowth and improving the overall quality and density of the hair.

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Platelet Rich-Plasma (PRP)

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a medical technique that harnesses the remarkable healing properties of a patient’s own blood. The process involves extracting a small amount of blood from the patient, similar to what you might experience during a routine blood test. This blood sample is then spun in a centrifuge machine to separate its components, with the goal of isolating the platelets and plasma, which contain a high concentration of growth factors and other bioactive proteins.

Platelets are tiny cell fragments in the blood that play a crucial role in the body’s natural healing processes. When tissue damage occurs, platelets rush to the site of injury and release these growth factors, which stimulate cell proliferation, tissue repair, and regeneration. By concentrating these platelets into PRP, we can deliver a potent cocktail of healing factors directly to the area in need, enhancing the body’s innate ability to heal itself.

Beyond dermatology, PRP therapy has found utility in fields such as sports medicine, orthopedics, and gynecology. Athletes frequently undergo PRP injections to accelerate the healing of sports-related injuries, such as tendonitis and muscle strains. In orthopedic practice, PRP injections are used to facilitate tissue repair in conditions like osteoarthritis and tendon injuries.

In dermatological applications, PRP is often injected into the skin or applied topically to stimulate collagen production, improve skin texture, and promote tissue regeneration. Similarly, in the treatment of hair loss, PRP injections into the scalp can help stimulate dormant hair follicles, leading to increased hair growth and thickness.

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