Believe in Beautiful supports the fight against the bushfires in Australia

đź’” AUSTRALIA đź’”
    The bushfires burning across Australia are having devastating effects on communities, wildlife, our firefighters and the Australian landscape. So much devastation burning across our beautiful country. We are donating 50% off all proceedings from spray tanning appointments to Australian Red Cross Disaster Relief until 11/01/2020*. We’re sending all our love and prayers to those affected.   If you are not directly impacted by bushfires, here are ways to HELP.​  
  1. Donate to the Red Cross who are helping the bushfire victims
  Australian Red Cross Disaster Recovery and Relief   The Red Cross supports a variety of efforts such as supporting people at evacuation centres and providing emergency assistance like cash grants to people who have lost their homes.  
  1. Donate to the epic volunteers at the Rural Fire Service
  NSW Rural Fire Service   You can either donate straight to the NSW RFS or to your local Rural Fire Brigade to support volunteer firefighters.  
  1. Donate to WIRES and wildlife charities who are helping native animals injured by bushfires.
  WIRES   NSW Wildlife Information, Rescue and Education Service (WIRES) rescues and cares for animals and is seeking donations for volunteer carers and rescuers that are “inundated” with them amid the bushfires.  
  1. In 2020, be loud in demanding climate action!
  Knowledge is power – learn more about the science behind our climate challenge and the responsibility that all sectors hold in addressing the issue.   Everyone has the ability to do something to address our climate challenge, but we can all still do more. What will you do?