Brazilian Beauty Bendigo finishes their 28 day challenge with a bang!!
And the results are in!
Kristy and I have now finished a full 28 Day program with The Human Mechanics and Arj and we have absolutely loved it! So much so, that we are both continuing on with the next program. We have learnt about nutrition and the control our emotions can have over what we look for in the pantry (I’m definitely guilty of that!)
We have become stronger - if you had said to me that I would be dead lifting 40kg I would never have believed you - again showing that our mindset is half, if not all, the battle! We’ve met some new people, inspired friends to train with us, had a laugh with Arj and most importantly become fitter, stronger and slimmer – looking and feeling gorgeous.
My skin has also never been better! My body is running correctly with the right foods and ASI skin supplements, detoxifying like a pro, so my skin isn’t so unpredictable. Committing to regular BB pro peels, (like most tradies we beauty therapists tend to look after our clients and forget about us!) ASI supplements and my preservative free skincare have made a huge difference! What I have learned is that skincare is like only cleaning one side of the window, great skin comes from cleaning both sides – food, exercise, ASI skin supplements and awesome skincare with active ingredients, is the holistic approach to getting flawless skin. But lets not muck around…you guys want to know the stats! Kristy has lost a total of 25cms from her waist, hips and butt and has consistently lost 4kgs.
I haven’t lost any weight but I have dropped 2.9% body fat (can anyone say muscles!!!) and a total of 6.5cm from my waist, hips and butt.
A really great start for us both I would say! We will continue to train ahead of the Mother’s Day Classic event and if you want to sign up for our team please register here – We need heaps of support so please share this post with your friends and get everyone involved! Brazilian Beauty Bendigo xx