Enjoy optimal energy, beauty and vitality and boost your focus and performance with nutrients that replenish and rebalance your body at a cellular level.

Energy Booster

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ENERGY BOOSTER 20 minutes $149 Book Now

Enjoy optimal energy, beauty and vitality and boost your focus and performance with nutrients that replenish and rebalance your body at a cellular level.


Life gets busy and, during times of high stress, our body produces stress hormones that heighten our senses and enhance our strength and speed in order to face our situations head-on.

Our endocrine system floods our body with adrenaline, cortisol and other fight-or-flight hormones that give us a greater chance of surviving and overcoming the challenge at hand before subsiding back once we’ve moved past the situation.

However, when stress becomes a daily occurrence, such as in your relationships, your job or other major life transitions, your body continues to produce these elevated levels of stress hormones that eventually may result in physical symptoms such as:

  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Decreased immune response
  • Digestive Issues
  • Weight loss or weight gain
  • Decreased energy and/or sleep disturbances
  • Brain fog and loss of focus
  • Skin issues and premature ageing
  • Change in libido
  • Anxiety and depression
The benefits of Vitamin B

NAD+ (Nicotinamide adenine nucleotide – derived from vitamin b3) is a coenzyme naturally produced by every cell of the human body.  A significant contributor to a wide range of cellular functions, NAD is essential for converting the food we eat into energy (ATP) that fuels our body’s cells and helps maintain our metabolism, cognitive function and support the immune system.

However, the body doesn’t have an endless supply of NAD.  In fact, our natural NAD levels decline with age, stress, poor diet, illnesses and medications as well as drugs and alcohol; even environmental impacts such as sun and the quality of foods we eat cause our NAD levels to decline.  Low levels of NAD can lead to a shortage of cellular ATP (energy), leading to cellular dysfunction and degradation. Recent studies have shown that restoring your NAD to optimal levels not only restores cellular function but also reduces stress and stress related symptoms, promoting a feeling of health and improving mood and performance so that you can respond to life’s challenges without triggering your fight-or-flight response.

Why diet may not produce adequate Vitamin B and NAD opportunity:

Our bodies make and maintain NAD by converting certain precursors, sourced from the foods we eat, into NAD. Predominant precursors such as Nicotinic Acid (NA), Nicotinamide (Nam) and Nicotinamide riboside (NR) – each a variation of vitamin B3 – are organic compounds the body can access when we eat foods like beef, salmon, milk, eggs, spinach and lentils. Tryptophan is another NAD precursor, found in foods such as turkey, chicken and tuna as well as whole milk, however not as efficient at converting to NAD as those in the vitamin B3 family.

Although our bodies can convert these precursors in our diets in order to make NAD, unfortunately in many cases, diet alone is not enough.

Processed food now constitutes a large part of the world’s food consumption. In Australia  nearly 50% of our diets are made up of food that is ultra-processed and chemically modified (60% in the USA and 51% in the UK by comparison). Chemicals are commonly added to many types of foods to improve appearance, longevity and enhance taste. Chemicals such as emulsifiers, preservatives, colourings and non-sugar sweeteners harm the gut and make it more difficult to absorb the micronutrients our body needs.

Examples of ultra-processed foods include carbonated drinks, sweet or savoury packaged snacks, ice-cream, chocolate, confectionary, mass-produced packaged breads and buns, margarines and spreads, sausages, and burgers, to name a few.

A body that can effectively utilise adequate amounts of Vitamin B and NAD+ will essentially experience:

  • Increased energy and wellbeing
  • Better sleep quality
  • Mental focus and clarity
  • Appetite control and fluid balance
  • Stronger immune system
  • Healthier, luminous looking skin


Talk to us

Whether you are looking to support your immune system during cold and flu season, suffer from a chronic illness, or are looking for a way to enhance your energy performance and focus, boosting your nutrition levels is a great place to start.

Simply book in and talk to one of our qualified Nurses. IMs are easy to manage and fit into your day-to-day routine. You get a small shot, soothed by a local anaesthetic spray, making the treatment easy, time-optimised and virtually painless.