Beautiful Brand Partnerships In 2021

Almost 12 months into the global pandemic, and it would be safe to say that, for better or for worse, the relationship between businesses and their customers has changed forever. Within the beauty industry, consumers have been forced to try alternative ways to continue accessing their regular products and services while beauty clinic owners look at how they can do things ‘differently’ to survive beyond the current crisis.

In Australia, it seems that as the pandemic dust settles, consumers prefer to choose and support brands that are not only home-grown but that are also perceived as doing their part for society by realigning their business model to lead with safety, convenience and a socially responsible mindset, in addition to the usual product and service satisfaction.

Brands like Brazilian Beauty, whose pandemic inspired metamorphosis included stripping down a complicated company structure in order to have the freedom and ability to pivot it’s business model to one more conducive to short-term survival as well as long-term resilience and growth. A lateral move that opened up the opportunity to, not only create some job stability for its employees during the toughest months of the pandemic, but to also now begin re-emerging with an evolved business model built to sate the new normal.

Brisbane based founder of Brazilian Beauty, Francesca Webster - who welcomed back several of Brazilian Beauty’s best loved clinic locations to their group of company owned stores during the pandemic, says this new direction promises an exciting future ahead - not just for her own clinics but for the Australian beauty industry in general.

The forced self-evaluation and soul-searching that the events of 2020 have instigated has given rise to a new community based mindset that has led Francesca to consider how her company can support the industry through a business based collective that offers smaller or independent beauty business access to the type of marketing and point-of-sale software often financially out of reach to them. Combined with a selection of innovative equipment, Australian made cosmeceuticles and an online portal that allows for easy and affordable access to training in some of the newest and in-demand beauty services and procedures; beauty business owners can now leverage the tried and tested business model that has made Brazilian Beauty so resilient and successful, to reset their own businesses for growth in 2021.

Powerful Point-Of-Sale Software & Social Media Platform

In 2020, as lockdowns and movement restrictions pushed more people than ever online and onto social media, consumers were discovering products, services and brands they hadn’t noticed previously. Australians, in particular spent 30% more time on social media throughout the covid-19 crisis with one third of Australian consumers inspecting a brand’s social media presence before making a purchase, if they have not purchased from that brand before. Over half of all Australian consumers say that they are more likely to trust brands that interact positively with customers on social media, with engaging and relevant content that is kept regularly updated, and 82% of Australian consumers following brands or business on social media are keen on accessing benefits like discounts, giveaways and incentives.

With the importance for a social media presence becoming so crucial to business growth and the need for businesses to streamline their digital presence from POS right through to direct marketing and online visibility, Brazilian Beauty and it’s sister companies, Australian Skin Institute and Skin and Beauty Training Centre have partnered with Zenoti to offer an affiliate program that will offer independent beauty clinics free access to a next-generation POS system and a customised booking app able to harness and streamline their social media leads in order to increase booking conversions and generate direct marketing campaigns to their growing database. Watch Francesca Webster, CEO talk about the partnership for both the technology used by Brazilian Beauty and ASI in the below videos.

If you are interested in becoming a partner or finding out more about our partnership options please reach out on info@skinand or call the Beauty HQ Team on 07 3357 4081.