Are you a Brazilian Beauty Tough Mudder?

Are you a Brazilian Beauty Tough Mudder?

I’m all about trying to look and feel as good as I can and I love helping other people do the same. It’s proven that exercising and a good balanced diet aids in healthy skin as well as overall wellbeing. I’ve been fortunate in that I’ve always enjoyed exercise of one sort or another. From playing tennis to swimming, running and a bit of horse riding here and there. I do notice the positive impact exercising has on my skin and as a result of this try to be as active as possible. About 6 months ago it was decided that around 30 of us would complete the Tough Mudder Sunshine Coast 22km commando event with Jack Jones gym. It’s been a fun and challenging process and now the event is only 10 days away its time to get really serious! Are you attending Tough Mudder? Look and feel gorgeous whilst getting down and dirty at Tough Mudder! Contact or buy online $29.95 ‘I am a Brazilian Beauty T-Shirt’ $19.95 Brazilian Beauty Trucker Cap