The Human Mechanics 28 Day Program

At Brazilian Beauty Bendigo we want our clients to look and feel gorgeous, in fact it’s our motto! As beauty therapists we know the positive impact that good nutrition and exercise has on skin health so beginning today we are going to be putting our bodies on the line to prove it…literally! Bendigo Salon Coordinator Kathryn, was moved by her best friend’s Kristy’s, drive to lose her baby weight and get herself feeling fit and healthy. We wanted to support her in this, so we decided to sponsor her to take on The Human Mechanics 28 Day challenge with Kathryn (you have to have a work out partner right?). The Human Mechanics are Bendigo’s experts in elite sports conditioning and reshaping, and the business has built a solid reputation for achieving results for their clients, something we at Brazilian Beauty are all for. It’s going to be tough, sweaty and probably not very beautiful but you can follow our journey on the Brazilian Beauty website and even go in the draw to win a 28 Day Program courtesy of Brazilian Beauty Bendigo. Come and see us at BB Bendigo or stay tuned to find out how to enter. xx