5 Beauty Habits that you need to stop now!
We’ve all got our beauty routines down pat. Lather, rinse, repeat. You know the drill…
You’re probably so well versed in your routine you’ve probably totally forgotten the basics in what not to do when it comes to looking after your skin. None of us are perfect, but there are a few things we can all stop to reach the elusive ‘complexion perfection’!
1. Over scrubbing
Who doesn’t love the soft smooth skin achieved immediately post-scrub? If you’re an avid over-scrubber, drop that exfoliant stat! Exfoliating more than the recommended amount (2-3 times per week) can exacerbate sensitivity, spread infection and lead to uncomfortable flakiness or dehydration. We get it, it’s addictive! Abrasive scrubs can do more harm than good. Why not mix it up with a chemical exfoliant maximum 3 times per week. That combined with your monthly Peel or Facial with have you glowing like a goddess in no time!
2. Sleeping in your make up
Seriously beauties - cleanse that beautiful face of yours! Sleeping in your make up can lead to acne, irritation and dullness. Not to mention it’s just plain unhygienic! Using a deep cleansing face wash with an antibacterial Facial Cleansing Brush, will eliminate any bacteria on the surface of the skin, whilst purifying pores deep down and ensuring you wake up fresh and gorgeous the next morning!
3. Plucking your brows between waxes
Well, this is a tricky one to stick to. A couple of pesky hairs here and there growing between appointments can really bug you to no end! There is no hiding your plucking indiscretions from your Brow Technician. Plucking out a few hairs between waxes not only reduces the length of time your new Eyebrow Sculpture lasts, but can also ruin the perfect Kardashian brows you’ve been so desperate to achieve. Some brow hairs (particularly the fine ones on the end) take months to grow out fully. So for the love of excellent eyebrows - resist the urge beauties! Top tip: if your fuzz is really that noticeable - swipe some concealer over your brow bone to cover up any dark regrowth!
4. Not cleaning your mobile phone
You take your smartphone with you everywhere, don’t you! From your morning latte, to late nights at the bars - and infinite amounts of bathrooms. Your mobile phone is your constant companion. What a loyal friend except…. it’s filthy! Studies have shown your favourite electronic device harbours more bacteria than a toilet seat. Yuck! This can lead to breakouts, infection and irritation particularly along your jawline. Aim to clean your screen with an antibacterial wipe once a week (minimum)!
5. Picking at your skin
On average, we touch our face 16 times per hour. In that hour where have your hands been? On your laptop, phone coffee cup, door handles, steering wheel! No - we don’t want to induce germ-a-phobia however if you have any active acne or pimples, or you want to avoid it, try not to touch your face so often! Don’t you dare pick at those spots either. Picking at pimples can lead to even more pimples (spreading infection) or worse, scarring. If you need to purify your pores, visit your Beauty Therapist for a professional extraction - while you’re there why not treat yourself to a Peel and LED Light Therapy to smooth the skin and eliminate acne causing bacteria.
For more skin secrets or to clear up troublesome complexions chat to your Skin Therapist at Brazilian Beauty for a complementary skin scan and consultation.