Why We’re Loving RF Skin Tightening
What is RF Skin Tightening?
RF skin tightening
is an aesthetic technique designed to reduce the appearance of fine lines, loose skin, and other classic symptoms of ageing. It relies on the use of radio frequency (RF) to heat tissue and stimulate collagen production in order to achieve these results.In some cases, skin can be manipulated during the cooling phase of treatment. This allows whoever is administering the procedure the ability to reduce fat levels in problematic areas. Cellulite improvement and body contouring are easily-achievable utilising these methods.
How Does RF Skin Tightening Work?
RF skin tightening procedures use radio frequency to heat a patient's skin. Once the skin has been heated, collagen fibres within the area are triggered to contract. This contraction gives the skin a tightened feel and appearance and produces a lighter and more youthful appearance immediately.
Long-term, the heating of the dermis will increase collagen and elastin production. Within sixty to ninety days, more extended results become visible. Blood and oxygen flow to the skin cells gradually increases and serves to plump and lift the skin.
This improved oxygen and lymphatic flow can also aid in toxin clearance. Greater degrees of toxin clearance translate to further reductions in classic signs and effects of ageing.
Generally, the face and neck tend to be the areas treated with RF most frequently. The procedure is not painful in the least-- it's actually completely pain-free! Patients will feel heat on their skin once the RF device begins working, but most find this experience to be pleasant.
Why RF Skin Tightening is Increasing in Popularity
Because RF is a non-invasive, non-surgical option with little downtime, it's ideal for individuals from all walks of life. Stay-at-home mums and busy, working professionals alike can easily find the time to pop in for treatments. The RF procedure is almost like a miniature spa day-- most clients find the heat emitted onto their skin via the treatment to be exceptionally soothing and calming.Benefits of RF Skin Tightening in Reduction of Ageing Symptoms
RF skin tightening can help combat a bevy of classic ageing symptoms. Not only can this boost outwards appearance and confidence, but patients feel better after RF treatments. Better blood flow and increased collagen production mean healthier skin and improved circulation-- tangible benefits that anybody would be glad to experience.
RF skin tightening can:- Lift, firm and tighten skin
- Stimulate the skin's own ability to produce ample amounts of collagen and elastin
- Reduce the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite
- Soften fine lines
Who is RF Skin Tightening For? How Often Do You Need Treatment?
You must be over 18 years of age to undergo RF skin tightening treatments. Outside of that, there's a good chance that you're good to go if you're interested in treatment! In some cases, medical conditions such as obesity and heart conditions may preclude you from RF skin tightening-- check with your physician before booking a treatment.
Radio frequency skin tightening treatments can be performed as frequently as every week for optimal results, or once a month for maintenance. For optimal results, most clients find that they require multiple treatments. Working to create improved blood flow over time results in a long-term payoff, and some stubborn problem areas may require revisitation before they're dealt with completely.
You should always select an experienced, qualified provider for non-surgical skin tightening procedures. If you're interested in learning more about Brazilian Beauty's RF skin tightening services, get in touch with your closest clinic today. Our friendly staff will be eager to set you up with a free consultation and get you moving towards the best version of yourself.