Pigmentation? Don’t get mad, get even!

Pigmentation - it’s the biggest ageing concern in Australia next to wrinkles.

  Brown spots, dark blotches, age spots and discolouration in your skin can all add years to your face. Don't worry - there’s a few ways to restore your skin’s youthful radiance, even skin tone and banish unsightly blemishes from your gorgeous complexion. The trouble with pigmentation is that it can come in many different forms and levels of severity. In general, pigmentation refers to an excess of pigment in skin categorised as dark blotches, age spots, freckles and blotchiness. This is largely due to an abnormal increase of melanin in the skin and in most cases can be permanent.

So how do you get rid of pigmentation?

Stay out of the sun

This is an easy one, melanin is highly reactive to UVA and UVB rays which can give you that beach-y tan. Whilst tans fade, the pigmentation left behind can be forever. If you’re spending any time in the sun always wear a high level of SPF - even in Winter to protect your gorgeous complexions.

Top up on Vitamin C

Upping your intake of Vitamin C both internally and topically will increase your body’s healing function as well as lightening and brightening your skin tone. A pure, potent vitamin c is clinically proven to reverse the signs of ageing - including pigmentation, so you can expect a youthful glow year round!

Get Zapping

IPL Skin Rejuvenation is one of the most popular treatments available to target pigmentation, redness, broken capillaries and more. This treatment safely zaps away the pigment in the skin, promoting the skin’s natural healing process. In this way pigmentation is banished, skin is healthier and revitalized.   Still in the dark? Consult a professional Skin Therapist at your closest Believe in Beautiful clinic for a complimentary Skin Consulation where they will tailor an individual skin treatment plan. Nourish your complexion and bring it back to it’s glowing skin glory.